About Me


Hey there! I'm Anton Van Assche, a dedicated Applied Computer Science student at Ghent University of Applied Sciences and Arts, specializing in System and Network Administration. With a strong passion for open-source technology, I am focused on enhancing my skills and knowledge to excel in managing complex IT infrastructures.

People who are doing things for fun do things the right way by themselves.

Linus Torvalds

In addition to my academic pursuits, I enjoy working on personal projects and tinkering with my homelab. I have a keen interest in automating tasks.

Outside of the tech world, I have been an avid fencer (épée) for over a decade—Sooo engarde 🤺! I find time in my schedule to train twice a week with my club. When the weekends allow, I also participate in tournaments (nothing to fancy), adding a competitive edge to my passion. But fencing isn't the only way I stay active; I enjoy working out in general.

On Saturday mornings, you'll often find me at my club (Schermkring Sint-Niklaas), not training but sharing my experience and knowledge to help teach the younger generation and contribute to their fencing journey.

Always looking in the future is anxiety, always dwelling about the past is depressing, and today is a gift, that's why it's called the present.

Kelly Wakasa

To me, engaging in sports isn't just about the physical aspect, but the mental growth as well. Continually evolving as a person, making connections, and cherishing the sport and the people I meet through it are vital aspects of the journey.

And when you see me, there's a good chance I'll be lost in the world of music—from pop artists like Tate McRae to the powerful sounds of Bring Me The Horizon and the intense metal riffs of Doodseskader. Music is a constant companion, whether I'm working on IT projects or enjoying some downtime.

Whether you're a potential employer checking out my IT expertise or someone interested in the person behind the code, welcome!